Lady miriam consulting

I am happy you are here. If you ready to take your health in your own hands- allow me to help you. Take a look at this website to further your knowledge about true health. Contact me to book consultation for your personalized health regimen.

The power over your health outcome is in your hands

Dr Joel Fuhrman M.D.

Hello! I am Lady Miriam

Lady Miriam

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My Story

Since the beginning of 2020 I have been studying the secrets to TRUE HEALTH. The doctors and educators who I have been reading, studying, following and applying their scientific research have the greatest track record of successfully helping people to better health without drugs, medicine, or surgery. What is the secret? IT's The FOOD! Chef AJ of - author of "Unprocessed," and "The Secrets to Ultimate Weight-loss," introduced me to a whole new level of health. I learned from her program why I was not as healthy as I thought I should be. I discovered why I crave the foods I crave, and how to change my cravings to more healthy nutrient dense foods and over a short amount of time, I was soon much more attracted to eating less calorically dense foods that were bad for me. It is because of her influence I was was able to break my 11 year addiction to Caribou Milk Chocolate Mochas and 35 year addiction to caffeine. In a 2 year time frame, I was able to kick my addictions completely, lose 25lbs, drop down from size 12 to size 4, and gain back the feeling and body of good health. It is a little thing- but I am so happy to breathe all night through my nose, and not be hacking up phlegm in the morning. Oh, and my skin is as clear as it has ever been. I am so grateful and so thankful. Now my desire is to help you feel good and healthy as I do, and I can show you how. Just do what I did.

There are other doctors that I glean information from as well, but these are the members of the DREAM TEAM for TRUE HEALTH in my book.

-John A. McDougall, M.D. founder of the McDougall Medicine, and author to "The STARCH SOLUTION," and "The McDougall Program for Maximum Weight-loss," and owner and founder of the four decade McDougall Live-in Program.

-Alan Goldhamer D.C. and Douglas A Lisle , Ph.D. authors of "The Pleasure Trap- Mastering the Hidden Force that Undermines Health & Happiness." Dr Goldhamer is the founding director of TrueNorth Health Center a fasting clinic in Santa Rosa CA, that has been in operation for four decades.

-Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D. Author of "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" and a foremost diplomat in whole food plant exclusive lifestyle.

-Joel Fuhrman. M.D. Author of "Eat for Life," "Eat to Live," "The End of Diabetes", and "Disease Proof Your Child" Dr Furhman also directs a long standing live-in program.

-Michael Greger M.D. FACLM Author of "How Not to Die" and "How Not to Diet."

-Neal Barnard. M.D. FACC President of Physicians Committee - Author of "Your Body in Balance"

-T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D, author of "The China Study." The Grand Prix of Epidemiology.

WEIGHTLOSS and HEALTH come down to one thing- Calorie Density

Let's work together.

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Cheesy Cashew Cream

First Breakfast

Homemade Caesar Dressing

5 Helpful Salad hacks

garlic Hack

Leftovers in IP-Lux

Instant pot

Second Breakfast

Mashed Potatoes in

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Fluffy Pancakes

Jasmine Rice

in Instant pot

Easy Salad Prep 101

Leftovers in Instant pot

Duo Plus

HealthY pizza

Healthy Gravy